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truck accident
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Posted 12/25/2014 08:40 (#4263868 - in reply to #4263378)
Subject: RE: truck accident

NE Nebraska
Glad to hear your driver and everyone else was ok. That intersection is a mile from my place and I travel it several times a day. Pretty wide open intersection except the NE corner has trees and a house, rumble bars on the east and west bound traffic, center and right hand stops signs stating that hwy 15 traffic doesn't stop. It's amazing how many vehicles, mainly semis I have seen blow right threw it. I had a close call this fall when a semi rolling stopped and turned out in front of me. He was west bound also, turning south and I was headed south. He never saw me behind his mirror and he never stopped. Luckily with a pickup I was able to stop, a semi loaded such as your would have been in the ditch. Guys, please remember to look around and behind your mirrors before pulling out. It's for your safety too.
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