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What to look for on a JD 8100?
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Posted 12/19/2014 03:05 (#4250388 - in reply to #4249921)
Subject: RE: What to look for on a JD 8100?


On my 1997  8200 likes to buck when shifting into 13th, that is if I am below 1500 rpm or so.   You can get them to shift fairly smoothly if you have the right rpm.

Yes, had to do the ex. man. bolts, front seals on a mfw, my heater fan is squealing now and needs some attention. All in all very satisfied. about 5500 hrs.

I did not notice how much better the cab is until I drove my neighbors 4640 this fall.   A 4640 is what I use to run and thought that was great.  lol.

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