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A couple of pitiful pictures...
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Posted 6/28/2008 23:27 (#406522 - in reply to #406407)
Subject: RE:Been sandbagging on the one remaining levy

dri - 6/28/2008 21:09

When you get 6-9 inches of rain in 3-4 hours is not a common occurance.


Just be glad you're not from Kansas where it's a common occurrence according to the illustrious Plowguy ("We get 15" at a time as a matter of routine here." ).

dri - 6/28/2008 21:09

I can say that I don't hold some of the guys on here in as high a regard as I used to.

Between this thread and the guy that got screwed on the cultivator deal there have been a lot of revelations of late eh?

Edited by Illinoisboy 6/29/2008 09:53
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