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A couple of pitiful pictures...
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Posted 6/28/2008 23:10 (#406503 - in reply to #406307)
Subject: How I know S***

Never said I "Knew" a damn thing.

Many assumptions were made.

But if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, looks like a duck..................

You've never seen a photo and not knowing the full outcome thought to yourself....."Gee, that looks like a dummy moment" ?

No doubt some harsh comments made but jumping to conclusions is human nature as far as I've ever known and your also right in the fact that I watch a lil tv and read a lil newspaper and expect that what I'm being told about these places that are flooded out is gospel and do form my own opinions.

I guess what I really have to wonder though, if you don't want our sympathy even though you didn't ask for it why do you even care what some strangers 3 states away think about a picture of equipment under water?

And you can tell all the story you want but I don't think the whole truth has been let out yet. Few and far between of people that post on this site that will admit to a doo dah moment.
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