Callao Missouri | I am good friends with one of the hired hands of the man that owns the tractor in question.
We had over 6.5 inches of rain between 11;00 pm and 5:am last Wednesday, Prior to that we had 1/2 an inch or better on Tuesday morning.
The tractor planted Monday, parked Monday night, rained Tuesday and did not want to get the field mudded up by moving the tractor. Big rain happened and water was coming up on the tractor. One of the farm workers swam out to it and started the tractor. The problem is he drove forward instead of backwards. The front end fell into a hole and the engine sucked in water because they suck their air from under the hood. The insurance company doe sent cover flood damage with the policy according to the hired hand. Jon
PS I went to Rock port Mo yesterday, I seen a 4630 hooked onto a 750 drill that had been in the same predicament only in a different creek bottom on my way over. On the way back it was setting in JED at Chilocothe on a lowboy trailer. Jon
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