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MF 510 good or bad memories?
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Posted 7/21/2014 08:49 (#3978397 - in reply to #3977871)
Subject: RE: MF 510 good or bad memories?

The 510 did have as well as the '67 410 that swing out turret unload auger that Deere never had till 1979 & not sure with IH 815-915 when they came out but always thought it was a great idea & the Perkins 354, that engine should have been the only engine offered, still remember that gas Chevy in the 410-never missed a beat but hot hot hot. Neighbors had a test farm for a IH axial flow the year before they came out, they used a 715 & traded for a 1440, we had a bad taste of a former IH 560 & went to a JD 7720, quite a change from a 510, still have walker JD's but now when harvesting non-gmo beans & seed plant says that this 9500 has a better sample of beans then red, green & yellow rotors too is something but maybe once thro instead of wrap it around 2.5 times is where the hairline cracking is present. Want a eventual rotor but for now still walker.
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