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MF 510 good or bad memories?
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Posted 7/20/2014 17:47 (#3977327 - in reply to #3977055)
Subject: RE: MF 510 good or bad memories?

Sort of Central to North Central Iowa

Dad had a 510 gas, 327 with two straight pipes out the right side.  He got it about 1969, traded in an IH 303, great move!  Ran it until it was traded for a 1976 750.  Kept the 750 until 1992 when traded for a CIH 1660.  Of the first three combines, Dad always liked the 510 the best.  It didn't have hydro or A/C, he added a truck heater to it.  The 750 had hydro and A/C and was much easier to work on, but never had as good a sample as the 510.  Got the 1660, thought we had heaven on earth!

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