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MF 510 good or bad memories?
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Posted 7/20/2014 15:22 (#3977158 - in reply to #3977074)
Subject: RE: MF 510 good or bad memories?

emtbd1979 - 7/20/2014 12:59

I just remember our 760. Sitting on a bucket as a kid watching my dad and uncle invent curse words and swear they were never buying one ever again. This seemed to be a weekend event. They went to IH in about 1988 and have been that way ever since. If one thing those combines could do was sell other brands of combines. Surprised they didn't have a support group for Massey combine owners.

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Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! My poor departed neighbor ran a 510 and later a 550. I can remember him re-engineering the 550 at times since he himself was a factory engineer/part time farmer. What a POS. The 510 was still running around long after he retired in 89'. It's almost amazing in comparison how an AF will half destructed parts and keep going.
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