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MF 510 good or bad memories?
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Posted 7/20/2014 14:02 (#3977079 - in reply to #3977055)
Subject: RE: MF 510 good or bad memories?

S.E. Sask.

jdbob8100 - 7/20/2014 11:41 We bought a new MF 510 Combine in maybe in a year hard to get machinery-1975? Bought from a dealer in Ada, MN. I think they sold 40 combines that year & this one was #39. Came from a MF 410 gas but this one was a diesel. Combine came with no air conditioning so we put a water cooler in & in rough ground you got wet, cab was very cramped but with diesel it ran 5 times cooler. This was a very good machine & in seven years only replaced one bearing in the chopper & had a dsl pump overhaul. It only burned 3 gallons of dsl/hour. Nothing gets that economy now but it was pretty small in capacity. The next combine was a big mistake a MF 550 & three years of this we became JD combine owners & have been happy ever since.

Pretty much the same for me. 1976 Western special with the 350 GM and thankfully, AC. Mostly good memories. No catastrophic breakdowns or nagging daily maintenance.  The 550 I replaced it with was basically the same combine internally but I had problems with several things including the AC. Think I spent more harvests without AC as with. Stepping up to the CIH 1660 was a giant leap forward that I never regretted. Still miss the sound of that straight pipe 350 sometimes. 
Got some grainy, out of focus vhs video of it back in 1990 on youtube.

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