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MF 510 good or bad memories?
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Posted 7/20/2014 13:41 (#3977055)
Subject: MF 510 good or bad memories?

We bought a new MF 510 Combine in maybe in a year hard to get machinery-1975? Bought from a dealer in Ada, MN. I think they sold 40 combines that year & this one was #39. Came from a MF 410 gas but this one was a diesel. Combine came with no air conditioning so we put a water cooler in & in rough ground you got wet, cab was very cramped but with diesel it ran 5 times cooler. This was a very good machine & in seven years only replaced one bearing in the chopper & had a dsl pump overhaul. It only burned 3 gallons of dsl/hour. Nothing gets that economy now but it was pretty small in capacity. The next combine was a big mistake a MF 550 & three years of this we became JD combine owners & have been happy ever since.
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