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Sirens in parades
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Gary Lyon
Posted 7/10/2014 23:10 (#3961980 - in reply to #3961700)
Subject: RE: Sirens in parades

Southeast Wyoming

kinzepower - 7/10/2014 19:58
Gary Lyon - 7/9/2014 16:44

kinzepower - 7/9/2014 12:49 Just curious many people complaining of all these noises (sirens, stereos etc) can't get enough of the noise at a tractor pull?? Different strokes people...learn to be more accepting of others interests and likes.

Let's all hold hands and sing kum ba yah!    It is just too stressful and emotional to have opposing views expressed.  Or if you are alone, clutch you blanky with one hand and suck the thumb on the other.

All better now?

Do we all feel secure now?


With that would appear you need the blanky. LOL...looks like a nerve was hit.

Actually I was entertained by typical NAT rap with it's depth of thought: condemn all those who don't think like you for not being more accepting of others interests and likes.

Thanks for reminding me again, I needed a chuckle tonight. 

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