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CVT and IVT the same?
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Posted 6/28/2014 06:57 (#3941002 - in reply to #3940918)
Subject: Efficiency - "In the eye of the beholder"

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Beauty it is said is in the eye of the beholder. I believe the same is true for tractor transmission efficiency.

It depends on what is viewed as the measure of efficiency. If you are talking about the pure transmission of power, the old Deere 2 cylinder setup where the drive train made few "corners" might rank right up there.

If your definition of efficiency includes the ability to easily match/change ground speeds for varying conditions with a variety of equipment then the definition changes.

We have one Deere tractor with IVT (7830) and the combine but the other tractors are more mechanical. Each has their place. The IVT is certainly handy in a variety of situations but for "straight" pulling I suspect the more mechanical ones may be more efficient in that sense.
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