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Offset vs Tandem Disc
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Ben D, N CA
Posted 5/23/2014 23:08 (#3884564 - in reply to #3883457)
Subject: RE: Offset vs Tandem Disc

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot
I've never ran a disk that ran as true as a 770. Lots of Hutchmasters here, they aren't bad. Everyone claims they eat bearings, but I've never put a bearing in mine. Greased the bearings just a little to make sure they had grease when I bought it, while turning it so it didn't blow the seals. Never put a bearing in it, checked them this spring and they are smooth. FWIW, I've got a 14' Hutchmaster I'm probably going to sell if that interests you.

Either stick with an offset, or get a big tandem or double offset. Something made by Kelo bilt or Wishek. I've ran both, and the newer big ones will do a good job of disking, but they are $$$. A tandem disk is only good for light finishing in mellow ground. Any sod or alfalfa crowns and they just fluff the ground a little.

I'd also agree with the others that a 496 isn't much of a disk.
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