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To counter the drought pictures......
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paul the original
Posted 5/12/2014 11:36 (#3865685 - in reply to #3865669)
Subject: RE: To counter the drought pictures......

southern MN
Few more.

The ditch was cleaned last fall, so it is different flow, depth now until the ground caves back in. Where it goes through the peat it always caves in, actually started sliding in already in one spot. In spring snow melt or in heavy rains (this spring we have not had the big one, just many .5 to 1.5 inch events) the ditch will go out of its banks by me.

Can't show the 15 inch outlet, it is under water at the moment.

Lot of those outlets are new tile in the past 5 years, so getting pics of them.


Edited by paul the original 5/12/2014 11:40





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