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help! 4640 won't start
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Ron (Cen. IL.)
Posted 4/23/2014 17:21 (#3832387 - in reply to #3832281)
Subject: RE: help! 4640 won't start

Central Illinois

On my 4430, there is a "cab" solenoid under the "dash" cover right behind the clutch pedal that makes a noise like you are referring to.

When you first turn on the key (and don't hit the starter) does the radio or cab fan work? Even if it doesn't make the noise?

I used to have to replace that solenoid quite often, but I don't remember it ever causing the starter not to turn over. Or does it turn over but just not start?

The 4430 has a pull-cable for shutoff, does the 4640 turn off with the key switch or a cable?

I'm wondering if the cab solenoid is going bad and the non-start is being caused by something more like a neutral safety switch (if the engine doesn't even turn over).
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