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Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)
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Posted 4/13/2014 20:29 (#3814036 - in reply to #3813992)
Subject: RE: OK, I'll be the one to say it

S.E. Sask.

I did have to replace the main hydraulic pump on the Super 90 with a good used one from salvage. No telling how many hours or how much abuse previous owners had given the original but the replacement has worked fine. Front end loader lifts anything I need it to. The little steering/pto hydraulic pump is the weakness on this one. When it gets warmed up the steering can get a little weak with a load on the bucket. Also not enough hydraulic pressure to keep the pto engaged.

No multi power drive on this Super 90 but my brother's 1085 has it and has had no problems with it. Handy to be able to shift up and down in every gear sometimes.

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