East Central Ia | I am currently sharing a neighbors base station signal but ran into an encryption issue yesterday.
He is all CNH equipment and the base is an Ag 900 or whatever it's called. It is not glonass but it is encrypted. I have a mix of trimble and CNH and want to add my Geo Steer to the mix.
My question is can we simply switch his base to RTCM and have everything work or do the Trimble pieces require CMR/+?
If that's the case I will have to mount my MS750 and use that as my base. I currently have this setup as a mobile base for tile and don't want to do this ATM.
I had everything set up and had 100% cmr at my radio in the geo steer tractor but could not get the geo steer to see it! I set up my MS750 and switched the network Id to match and my geo steer found rtk corrections and got a fix.
Edited by bleedred 3/28/2014 18:07
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