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Ok so CFX 750 can't steer slow, but does it guide?
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Posted 3/14/2014 12:11 (#3753359)
Subject: Ok so CFX 750 can't steer slow, but does it guide?

Alentejo, Portugal
The other day I found out that my new 750 on RTK isn't able to steer at less then 1.6 km/h (EZ Pilot) but can I trust it to manually steer my tractor at those speeds? The line on my screen is almost never straight but if I keep the offline indicator around 0, can I trust it to be on the spot? Not bothered much if the "painting" doesn't match, I just want a more or less straight line without much skip or overlap.

Apart from the steering angle sensor, is the software for autopilot much different? I mean if it can guide or steer at slow speed with autopilot why wouldn't it be able to guide without it?
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