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MacDon FD75 vs. FD70
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Posted 3/12/2014 08:11 (#3748972)
Subject: MacDon FD75 vs. FD70

Sort of Central to North Central Iowa

I am considering upgrading my 30' 1020 with Crary Air Reel.  I have a 1999 CIH 2388.  Am looking at 30' MacDon flex draper.  I found a two year old FD 70 with about 1500 acres that someone traded for a larger head, at about 75-80% of the prices of the new FD 75's I've priced..  Those that have used both the FD 75 and FD 70, are there enough differences between the two models to justify taking the new over the used?  I know that new has new warranty, the used does not have any.  Thanks, Dave.

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