Troy, Missouri | premiertech - 3/7/2014 20:59
You will be hard pressed to find any autosteer at an accuracy level higher than WAAS for less than $3000. Add in the rest of the criteria you listed, and it will be difficult.
My thoughts too. Ya, the new Deere combines are Ag Leader ready and if you already had the monitor and GPS, you would only need an additional $500~ of cabling or so, but you still need a monitor and GPS, which has to be a higher grade antenna to get something higher than WAAS, but not RTK (so OmniStar). plus steering and the unlocks for it. The cheapest you could do it for would pry be like $8,000-10,000 through Ag Leader at least, but I think it would be even more than that actually.
And with the OmniStar signal, you really need more open fields to work effectively. If you lose your signal, it could take around a half hour or so to get your signal back if you're around a lot of trees or in the hills.
Edited by Burgess159 3/8/2014 09:10