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4894 PICS
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Posted 2/27/2014 18:52 (#3721066 - in reply to #3720864)
Subject: RE: 4894 PICS

Ontario Canada
We had one just like it, ours had 20.8-38's on it though, it was a decent runner until the engine spun a bearing, was very expensive to repair, transmission can be a little rough shifting and remember to always shift down instead of just putting the clutch in to stop as they were known to stop in a hurry also grease the kingpins lots and all the tie rod ends and all the u Joints regular too. It had decent power, we pulled a 30' disc with it, an 11 shank soil saver and a 34' cultivator. Hope you have good luck with it. There is a dealer near us that might have service books for it and might even have a manual for it, let me know if I can help you out.
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