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Case IH MXM130
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Posted 2/17/2014 21:46 (#3698131 - in reply to #3697977)
Subject: Re: Case IH MXM130

Tuscola, IL
I may be in the minority here, but I like the MXM series tractor. From a mechanic standpoint, they have their quarks compared to the MX series. Completely different on board diagnostics than their big brothers. It takes a good deal of getting used to for me to jump in a MXM/MXU tractor and navigate the diagnostics. However, from an operational standpoint, I like running them. We ran a Puma (newer) 195 one fall on our Glencoe chisel plow and really liked it. Very comfortable ride and seemed to have plenty of power. The following fall we rented a Puma 180 and it was exactly the same except seemed to be lacking a little bit on power. I realize we went down 15 horsepower but the 180 didn't seem to have the power I thought it should. All in all, I think you'd be happy with the 130 after you got used to it.
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