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Ford dual power?
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John SD
Posted 2/10/2014 12:00 (#3678727 - in reply to #3678051)
Subject: RE: Ford dual power?

I don't know how Dual Power compares with Case or AC power shifts, but I'd put money on the Ford design being light years ahead of the IH TA.

Got a 8600 and a 9600. The 8600 DP got new seals when they were in there for other stuff. Broken shift fork in the main tranny was the problem it went in for. Still had 3-4 which are also 7-8 depending on if in L or H range. Couldn't use lower gears or reverse.

Drove 70 miles to town with no incident. Shop guy told me if I heard any funny noises better go to Plan B. That was 15 years ago.

The 9600 DP was acting up some time before the tractor went in for a clutch job. I can't remember right now just how much was involved or how much it was for the DP alone.

The total bill at the dealer for new reman clutch, PTO, and DP repair on the 9600 was right at $7K. Yes, more than I paid for the tractor.

The dealer also worked around the Waldon dozer that went to town with the tractor. I visited the tractor in the shop and it was in 3 pieces with the dozer sitting on the floor underneath.

Like Sheep Herder, I've always avoided shifting the Dual Power under heavy load. But I really don't think it would hurt it at all. If Dual Power is working correctly, the shift is rather crisp from low to high. The 9600 would almost roll to a stop before the shift engaged. Not good. Works like it's supposed to now.

Also it says in the owner's manual to run DP in low in cold temps for better lubrication until things get warmed up.
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