| I've looked at many 7000 and 7100 (same exact row units) in Iowa over the years, and I have yet to see a plate type, though its in the parts book and instruction manual.
The finger unit plants corn very well, one of the better approximations of a picket fence stand. The original Deere bean cup was an almost controlled spill, but the Kinze brush bean unit that fits the finger unit box and drive is very good for beans, and with the right plate should be good for milo, though I have no experience with milo. I do own Kinze brush bean units for my 7000 planter.
I suspect the conversion kit is all the parts that are different and the kit parts are exact equivalent parts to the Deere parts when the row unit was assembled for finger units and will work exactly the same as all the 7000s I've see that came from the factory that way. When I was shopping for a 7000 or 7100 I'm sure I would have not bought a plate type, but I didn't have to make that choice.
It might be as simple and cheaper to acquire whole row units from a planter salvage yard.
Gerald J. | |