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Whats the best Tractor Stereo you ever had??????
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Posted 1/30/2014 08:45 (#3648036 - in reply to #3647767)
Subject: Re: Whats the best Tractor Stereo you ever had??????

Amherst WI
The factory Delco in my 7810 is good and so is the one in my 8970 Genesis. But my qualifier for a good radio is getting reception good enough to get WISN in out of Milwaukee so I can listen to Mark Belling rant in the afternoon and WTMJ the rest of the day. If either of those are out I use my XM.

Hopefully I don't hijack the thread but speaking of radios the factory one in my 2188 sucks. It dosen't get any AM stations and it has lispy sound and/or it sounds like some one is dropping empty rifle casings when people get done with their words. Not sure if it is the radio or speakers.
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