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Cat 35 questions
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22 inch row
Posted 1/23/2014 10:07 (#3628412 - in reply to #3627772)
Subject: RE: Cat 35 questions

south central Minnesota
You have to buy spacers on the old ones to change stance. If you want 120" you better look for a wide stance machine. I have had one for 10+ 1995 model planter,sprayer,stalk chopper, scraper tractor,grain cart only bought a starter and batteries. The ride is 100% dependent on the tracks, good tracks= good ride. The ford/genesis transmission in my opinion is still one of the simplest trans to run I almost never have to push in clutch-inch pedal. The 35 will be kind of guttless for tillage they weigh 31,000lbs and are only 180 hp if you want a tillage tractor get 45 or 55. I think they are the best value in the used market.
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