Chebanse, IL..... | 1000 Moline We have a 16r, 1600 gal FAST. It's fine. 24r might be a consideration also. JD is now selling the FAST sprayer w/the JD logo on it. Some probably consider this typical JD stealing, but I think FAST knows about it. In past yrs we've had liquid applicators w/JB ground drive pumps. They they seem like a simpler idea, they're mechanically much more complex than any of the hydraulic pumps coupled with modern flow control stuff, like Ravens. The ground drive pumps are also heavy & expensive. And, there's no free lunch....if you ever sidedress in the mud, you find how bad the ground drive pump drags, because it will quit turning, or slow up. FAST packages the applicator w/Ravens, though they'll sell you the ground drive if you insist. I'm 20 mis N of FAST in Gilman. Every 4 or 5 yrs they re-design the bar/tank system, but I don't think there's any changes in the 2014 bar. I believe they have their own branded coulters as an option now. I've personally thought the Clymer coulters were a little weak. They need more spring on them, which would then mean they'd need a bigger shank & bolts..... I don't think you'll have any trouble pulling it, though if you get a 1600 gal one, it can be heavy if it's soft in the field. Anyway, the FAST seems popular up here. Not sure what that's worth, but apparently JD thought it was OK idea. Also, I'd never-ever-ever go back to a ground drive |