Dearfield Co. | If it has the braided oil lines running from cyl head to cyl head it will be a stc----------------------There is plastic oil galleys that run from the braided into the inj. inside the valve cover/rocker box.Its been years since I messed with one but it seems that they were extremely low pressure oiling but high volume.It seems the little lifter on top the inj link just made the biggest difference at start up basically allowing a oil fed timing setup instead of the air operated like the big cam 2 and 3 475s and california emissions.I do know the one I had required more frequent oil changes to keep the step time control box operational and the thing acting right.I sold the truck and the driver refused his new one and quit as he loved that engine.Since he was one of my better guys the thing was as trouble free as any engine I have owned and we didnt have to do much other than the little plastic oil line updates and inj updates which were frequent back then as well as costly. | |