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John Deere 9650 vs a 9660
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Posted 12/21/2013 09:10 (#3535578 - in reply to #3535062)
Subject: Re: John Deere 9650 vs a 9660

SW Ohio

50 or 60 would be NIGHT AND DAY from a 9500. 9650=50-60K, 9660=70-90k .......(auction prices, 1400-2000hrs) While your at it get atleast 60 if you can. Love my 50, no problems, but single point is worth its weight in gold. 635F headers are dirt cheap, and hook right up to a 60.

don't be afraid of a 9750/9760, sometimes they are a better deal and theres no such thing as too big. 

Edited by warpspeed 12/21/2013 09:11
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