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John Deere 9650 vs a 9660
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Posted 12/21/2013 08:40 (#3535485 - in reply to #3535447)
Subject: Re: John Deere 9650 vs a 9660

Western Ohio
We have owned all of them. Any are quite a step up from oo series ,however there are some major upgrades as you come forward. High unload rate is a must. In good corn, we could barely keep bin unloaded on the go with 9750 and 8 row head, unload auger was simply too small. Went to a 9760 which was probably the worst Deere machine I ever owned. Unload rate was fine ,but had no power and ran rough. 3 injection pumps and a set of injectors later, was finally ok. Traded for 9770 and they have been fantastic, have owned 4 of them and still have 1 now along with an S670. Run 12 row corn heads and get along great. Plenty of power and smooth as silk. Imo ,a 9770 would be worth the extra $$$ if you can swing it. There are also a TON of them on dealer lots , so you may be able to make a deal on one. Maybe more than you wanted to hear, but our experiences.
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