Mid Michigan | I've put a lot of hours in a 2870 and a 4890 and they were both really nice tractors to operate and drive. Very powerful motors and comfortable interiors. I'm sure when they get older they're just like any other pos tractor that's worn out and has electrical gremlins. You have to keep in mind what was also available in the days they were made and they were pretty nice to operate compared to the competition. Just about any old 4wd tractor from that era is worth what it weighs in scrap and whatever the tires are worth. Condition can be very big factor. Why spend $250,000 on something that you can buy for $15,000 that can do the exact same thing? 30 plus years from now a new Case quad track will be worth it's weight scrap just like the older ones.
Edited by davpal 12/20/2013 19:22
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