Southwest MN | To each is own on breeds. I have Polypays (as the name implies) and run all electric fence only. I do have some eNet from Premier but use it only as temporary fence. If you are rotating the fence often you will quickly find value in permenant fence. I use it only on small pastures that have no fence or bad fence. I put up a 7 wire all HT smooth this year and love it. Keep it hot and you will have few problems. Not sure if they were chased hard by coyotes if it would hold them in or not.
The reason I did choose wool sheep is it seems at the sale barns you typically get docked about 20 cents a pound over a similar wool lamb and they only seem to finish at about 110 lbs vs 140-150 on a wool lamb. which turns out to about $75 a head difference. I do not know about what the return is on a wool lamb vs hair lamb. But I know my feed conversion from weaning a 48 lamb to a 138-142 finished lamb is 4.04. Which is high due to being a purebred maternal breed compared to a crossbred lamb with a polypay dam and a Suffolk or hamp sire. If you have any questions feel free to message me.
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