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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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Posted 8/12/2006 09:59 (#34960 - in reply to #34632)
Subject: RE: Be careful on the roads with equipment

West Union, IOWA FLOLO Farm 52175
It's not just the drivers, Last year I was involved in a hit and run on the open road. When we finally caught the offendeing driver he tried to blame me and his insurance was willing to take his word for it and mailed me a nice little letter stating that there investagation of the accident revealed me to be neglagent, which thrilled me to the point of "lawyering up". To top the whole situation off the responding St trooper when questioned later didn't want to help defend a guy even though the day of the accident he proclaimed I did nothing wrong but unfortunately his camera malfunctioned.

To make along story short, It's not just the idiots on the road, It's the ones adiment about defending them.

For what's worth, his insurance blinked after a letter from my lawyer and the did pay most of what they agreed to yet far from what my adjuster said was due( promised shop rate for repairs vs $15hr, wish i could hire that shop 8)--loran
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