Fayette Co, Iowa | What are the "advantage" of going from a 20 to a 30 series? The 8320 I was looking at has intergrated plug and play, weighted front and rear, three point, 540/1000 pto, 80% tread all the way around, 2,210 hrs, (2004). HID lighting, buddy seat.... What do you gain with the 30 series? cab features? And a different hood? Does it shift smoother?
The 20 does not have IVT nor ILS. the 30 has ivt
There is 18,000.00 dollars price difference between the two, 4 years newer and roughly the same hours. Going to replace a 7810 MFD. Need a heavier, and slightly more horse power. These tractors should be a nice "used" upgrade. It will be pulling a J.D. 17770 nt 16 row, starter fertilizer, and esets. And in the fall it would yank around a sunflower 26 ft disk.. | |