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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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Fighting suburbia NC
Posted 8/11/2006 17:23 (#34744 - in reply to #34732)
Subject: Re: Be careful on the roads with equipment

Too close to Raleigh, NC
Every Corvette I have ever ridden in has had enough brakes to be able to stop pretty darn quick. IF the guy was going the speed limit on that road (I have run that road numerous times, it is one of the more straight and unobstructed sight distance roads in that area) then he should have had more than enough time to slow down and keep from rear-ending a SMV. As he was OVERTAKING the SMV it was his responsibility to slow down. In NC it is usually the person behind that gets the blame for a rear-end collision. So, while the driver of the Corvette may not be completely to blame, the investigating trooper thought he had enough culpability to issue him a ticket. NC has a contributory negligence law that gets invoked in situations like this. Although, with it being a Corvette involved, the community is probably not going to have much sympathy for the car driver. This ain't Kansas, and the relocated people flocking to this area (we still think of some of them as carpetbaggers) do not seem to have any patience with people trying to make a living from the land. Of course, the Corvette driver could be some BTO's son, which still ain't no excuse.
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