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John Deere 4650 and 4850 tractors
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Posted 11/27/2013 08:51 (#3473418 - in reply to #3473392)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4650 and 4850 tractors

Saronville NE
Had both, the 4850 was lemon from day one. 4650 was pretty good overall, till tranny puked with 7k hrs. Ask if tranny been done, seems 7-8k hrs PS trannys puke in em, their will go $20k at a JD dealer. All the 4850s in this area I know of had lots of promblems. But all the 4650s seemed to hold up well. I never really had any promblems with the ZF frontend except seals. With the age the 50s are getting on them, bout all you can do is ask for service history and any major work being done and hope for the best. Just like any used tractor. Personally Id go buy a high hrd 8000 before a 7-8k hr 50 series, and you wont spend much difference in money.
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