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What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size
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1000 moline
Posted 11/26/2013 19:23 (#3471990 - in reply to #3471722)
Subject: Re: What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size

South Eastern ,ILL
Heath, we use to run 3 blue tractors. As a rule, you could always buy the same size blue tractor ,at
least 10k less than red. We switched a few years back to all red on some great deals. As a suggestion to price both ,you might call Beard Imp.
at Ashland, IL they sell both, give them a call ask for Aaron, he's sold us a couple over the years.* I might add , I went to a farm sale a year
ago ,farmer had nice blue equipment, it sold 10-15 k less than red
would have brought IMO. But was 10-15k less when he bought it, so
I guess ....he's Even Steven LOL

Edited by 1000 moline 11/26/2013 19:30
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