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What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size
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Posted 11/26/2013 19:01 (#3471908 - in reply to #3471722)
Subject: RE: What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size

south central mn
the main difference in a red vs blue is in the cab controls . the headlight placement is different
the console on your right has a different handle in it.
the autosteer is identical in either tractor just a different screen when monitor powers up after that the autosteer is identical

As far as pricing goes this a brief explanation of the New Holland partnership with ethanol.
The American Ethanol partnership is good for any grower who sells to an Ethanol plant that is a growth energy partner.
Any New Holland dealer has the opportunity to use this program. There is no cost to the producer, just need to have the partnership with the Growth Energy plant. There are many plants scattered throughout the nation. If you have specific questions contact me.
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