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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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Posted 8/11/2006 14:09 (#34718 - in reply to #34676)
Subject: Re: Be careful on the roads with equipment

Well, there are always some of us farmers not too smart either. A number of them around here don't think just hitting the flasher switch on their tractors or combines is worth the effort and I can count on one hand the number of them in this area who put their extremity flashers on their combine headers or over their duals in the right positions. If you point it out to them they say they don't want them knocked off, but I don't get how they could when running 30ft or wider equipment what they are going to get that close to that they would. And of course you sometimes hear the tired old phrase "if they can't see this tractor or combine what makes the difference if I have a light flashing at them". Ignorant. I think a Sheiff's dept could make quite a bit of $ writing up the farmers not doing these things right.
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