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What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size
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bike across Iowa
Posted 11/26/2013 18:21 (#3471786 - in reply to #3471722)
Subject: RE: What are the differences between a New Holland T9 390 and a Case IH the same size

Charles City. Iowa
The New Holland T9.390 and Case IH Steiger 350 are very close the same are made on the same line. Made in same place Same engine, cab , tran. New Holland is rated at 340 engine and Case IH is 354. Right now T9.390 with pto 3 pt GPS same display as Pro 700. Hid light kit High hydraulic pump. 480/90R50 f and rear Diff lock, Buy under $222,000 lease is $19,061 a year. There new model teir 4B called T9.435 new coing in March 2014
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