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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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Posted 8/11/2006 11:02 (#34676 - in reply to #34655)
Subject: Re: Be careful on the roads with equipment

Pittstown, NJ
Sometimes people don't see the lights even if there are 100 of them. Friend of mine had an accident with a JD 8000 something (forget what model he traded up to) and a 1560 drill. All had lights and he had the turn signals on to make a left. Got halfway across and car that had been following whipped around and whacked the left dual straight-on. Girl managed to slam on the brakes hard enough that the tractor received only minor damage, but her little Mazda didn't fare so well. Turn signal was still flashing when State Trooper arrived. Girl was asked why she tried to pass a vehicle that had left turn signal flashing. She said "What turn signal?" Trooper pointed out all the flashing lights and she claims she didn't see them, and didn't think she was at fault because "driving tractors on roads is illegal anyway". Oh, and our state requires a permit and yearly fee to have flashing strobes or rotary beacons . . . . way to encourage safety, eh?
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