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Grain Carts
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Posted 8/11/2006 09:25 (#34659 - in reply to #34595)
Subject: Re: Grain Carts

we dont have the high yielding crops that the midwest does ,i can see keeping a big combine running in 200 bu corn getting to be a challenge . with 50-80 bushel wheat and 3-5000# milo a 4-600 bushel cart will stay up with a 9600 easily. 3 of us here trade out work 1 has a 9600 and we cut all our grain with it . a 1000 bu kinze ,a older 600 bushel cart and a couple of 400 bushel carts work well for us .we have plenty of tractors between the 3 of us . none of us own a truck so we hire the hauling done .with our system we can hold alot of grain in the field. one man runs all 4 carts and tractors to the combine ,just get off one tractor/cart and on another. our system might be primative by midwest standards ,but it works for us and none of the 3 of us owe a dime to the bank for operating money or equipment. the two older fellows are 67 and 65 so they could not pass a dot psy. to get a truck lisc. and i mess with trucks enough at work i dont want to fool with one when im off. we all agree we dont want a truck. my a&l cart was a tandem it was okay then ,but before that i only had a 400 bushel caldwell "junker" ,i was easilly impressed.

Edited by tommyw-5088 8/11/2006 09:27
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