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Be careful on the roads with equipment
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   Forums List -> Machinery TalkMessage format
Posted 8/11/2006 09:12 (#34655 - in reply to #34646)
Subject: Re: Be careful on the roads with equipment

the lights on the newer tractors and implements are a big improvement . but the equipment companies should use a rubber mounted light so it would last over the first 500 hours .if we used those cheap/sorry lights at work ,we would not have time to do anything else but fix wires and lights. i guess LED lights are way too much to ask for on a 150,000$ tractor?. my neighbor was coming up the road at almost dark with a deere 8870 and field cultivator ,had 1 light flashing on the entire tractor.,but he wont spend any $ to fix anything. i "think" more lights help too ,the strobe lights really seem to slow down the suburbanites around here. there is no way i would drive an A farmall on the road here way too dangerous.
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