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How to improve straw chopper for tall soybeans?
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Posted 8/11/2006 07:26 (#34621 - in reply to #34546)
Subject: Re: How to improve straw chopper for tall soybeans?

Ethridge, TN
The hammers don't really do any cutting. They are just there to carry the material thru, plus you do need to maintain the balance issue. Do make sure they aren't worn out. If those hammers have much of a rounded corner on them, they start loosing efficiency. If you haven't done it, I would put in a completely new knife bank. The 20 series used the cutter bar section style, but you might check to see if it can be upgraded to the knife bar used in the 9xxx series. The other thing would be a wide spread kit, which has deeper distribution vanes to make sure you are spreading as wide as possible.
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