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Good bad and ugly about 9670 STS Deere Combine?
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Posted 11/21/2013 19:04 (#3459779 - in reply to #3458749)
Subject: Re: Good bad and ugly about 9670 STS Deere Combine?

west TN
I had one for 3 yrs. That we got with 200hrs on it. Had basically zero downtime in the 3 yrs. I let one belt go too long after seeing it deteriorating and the cord came loose and took out the seal behind the pulley that we couldn't get off. That was my fault and was the only time a Deere mechanic touched it.
As far as reliability it was the best one we've ever owned. 2 years ago, We had a lot of down corn that had to be reeled in root wad, mud and all. That's the main reason we traded it, figured it had at least a ton of mud inside of it. Couldn't have been good. Saying that, a neighbor bought it from dealer(we told him about the mud). He replaced an old 9610 and couldn't stop bragging on it. Still running it.
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