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Bullet Rotor
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Jim in Ks
Posted 8/11/2006 00:23 (#34589 - in reply to #34555)
Subject: RE: Bullet Rotor

We put in two cover strips. One in the front concave and one where the return drops in for wheat. Soft wheat is alot easier than hard to get the white caps off of grain. We do not run any cover plates for corn or beans I don't think we can pull any wires. We run some of the plates over the grates. I think two rows on each side. I have tried all three sets of concaves. We put the filler plates in the round bar. It was better a getting it off of the cob but had more loss out the rotor. I can not see any difference in wheat in the large or small wire. We have had no trouble in beans either. It is alot nicer not changing the concaves. If you are in high yielding high moisture corn the round bar might work better. For us 80-180bu & 12-18% the large wire is the best. Next combine will only have one set of concave. Have a set of small wire and round bar for sale if you want to try them?????
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