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How to improve straw chopper for tall soybeans?
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Posted 8/10/2006 22:20 (#34546)
Subject: How to improve straw chopper for tall soybeans?

Eastern Ontario
Got a standard straw chopper on my JD 8820 TII. Would like to improve it's ability to chop the soybean straw that we need to deal with this year. Is there any aftermarket kit that one could buy to make it work better. Last year I had some tall beans as well and the straw was hard to deal with when working the field. It stays too long and bunches up in front of the machine. Has anyone rigged up something of their own that might work. Was thinking of sharpening the blades on the rotor to give it more cutting capacity, but I guess to keep it balanced would be tricky. Any thoughts?

Edited by Clay-All-Over 8/10/2006 22:21
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