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7760 JD picker justification
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Posted 11/18/2013 16:54 (#3452699 - in reply to #3452573)
Subject: Dont count on saving labor

Sumner GA, Located in southwest GA,
Most around here that are large enough to have a rolling picker haven't given up the labor, just reassigned, ie the former builder is moving round bales, chopper is still chopping, someone is pulling stalks and planting cover crop if they are conservation minded. The smaller producers here seem to be moving more towards Case IH pickers, slower, not green but cheaper. Talking to a neighbor he said that most of these 7760s around are running a good deal of custom picking or are in partnerships between two farmers. Economics of it to me looks like you will never "justify" it unless you are independently wealthy or can cram 3000 plus acres through one in a season, even a used one right now, cheapest one I have seen was $425,000, that is still going to be somewhere around 2000 to 2500 acres to justify that, maybe. I just as of yet fail to see any real savings, headaches yes, savings no. How much is your headache really worth?
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