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7760 JD picker justification
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Posted 11/18/2013 15:10 (#3452573)
Subject: 7760 JD picker justification

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Although I am a small producer, I have a small fleet of equipment in the field currently. A cotton picker, two module builders, a boll buggy, and four tractors (2 to the builders, 1 to the boll buggy, and 1 to the stalk cutter). In addition, I am killing too much time dumping on the module builder when the boll buggy isn't available, not to mention the labor cost and the amount of cotton I am spilling all over the place. 

While waiting for the module builder to pull off, I was thinking it sure would be easier if I had a round baling picker.  

Question: How many acres/bales harvested do you estimate it takes to justify a 7760 John Deere round baling picker. I know there are several variables that go into this answer,but just looking for a ball park.

I know it sure would make my life simplier. I am tired of keeping a small fleet of old worn out tractors running.

Thanks for any insight.

Edited by Roger/TN 11/18/2013 15:16
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