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Patriot XL VS. Spray coupe
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Posted 8/10/2006 21:26 (#34515 - in reply to #34512)
Subject: Re: Patriot XL VS. Spray coupe

Lee Co
the patriot is 10-20 X the sprayer a coupe is. around here the joke is they can get stuck on wet grass. I have a '94 partiot w/ 2600 hours on it, change the oil every 100 hours and all filters and go. I had to put a new product punp on it 2 yewars ago and that's it. best riding machine of it's time bar none.
you can order new boom pieces and they are easy to change. I got mine at Jenner equipment in
decator IL they have more parts than you could imagine.
price even sounds about right.
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